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Why Small Business Owners Need a PPC Expert: 3 Irrefutable Reasons

It’s all too common to see small business owners diving headfirst into the deep end of online advertising, hoping to swim but often struggling to stay afloat. In the vast sea of digital marketing, understanding the tides and currents of something as intricate as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) can be challenging, especially if you’re new to the game. Before you spend your hard-earned dollars on Google Ads or any other PPC platform, consider the invaluable expertise that a PPC consultant brings to the table.

What Exactly Are Google Ads, and Why Do You Need Them?

Google Ads is Google’s online advertising platform that helps businesses promote their products or services on the Google network. It works on a pay-per-click model, where users bid on keywords and pay for each click. But why do you need them? The simple answer is that they put you in front of potential customers when they’re searching for things you offer. However, the not-so-simple part is making the most out of this feature. Here’s how a PPC expert can navigate this sea of opportunity for you.

The Benefits of Consulting with a PPC Expert to Run Your Ads

Running successful PPC campaigns is about much more than just setting up an account and bidding on some keywords. A PPC expert can make a world of difference, helping you to:

Unlock the Full Potential of Your Ads

PPC consultants are not only well-versed in the technicalities of ad platforms; they understand the art of appealing to human psychology through ad copy, landing pages, and user experience. By leveraging an expert’s knowledge, you can create ads that not only get clicks, but drive conversions.

Avoid Costly Mistakes From the Get-Go

The wrong settings, poor keyword selection, or a misaligned strategy can bleed your budget dry without delivering the results you’re looking for. A PPC expert can avoid these pitfalls, ensuring your investment is working as hard as it can for you from the very beginning.

Benefit from Continuous Optimization

Optimization is not a one-time event but a continuous process in PPC. Keywords trend, market demand fluctuates, and user behavior changes. A PPC consultant keeps their finger on the pulse, making ongoing tweaks to your campaigns to keep them lean, mean, and profitable.

What Sort of Errors Can Arise Without an Expert’s Touch?

Think of running PPC campaigns without consulting an expert like navigating treacherous waters without a map or compass. The direction might seem clear at first, but unexpected storms can arise, throwing you off course and potentially wrecking your ship. Here are a few common mistakes that can happen without an expert’s guidance:

Incomplete and Ineffective Keyword Research

Keywords are the heart of PPC. Understanding which ones will bring in the right traffic to your site at the right time is critical. Without thorough research, you could be bidding too high for the wrong keywords, or worse, not even show up for the keywords that matter.

A Misaligned Bidding Strategy

Bidding on keywords is not just about the highest bidder winning. It’s about setting a bid strategy that aligns with your campaign goals. Whether it’s manual bidding, enhanced CPC (cost-per-click), or Target ROAS (return on ad spend), an expert knows which to apply for your unique situation.

Ignoring Conversion Tracking

Knowing which ads led to conversions on your site is crucial for understanding return on investment and directing your budget. A PPC expert ensures your conversion tracking is set up correctly, giving you real insights instead of guesswork.

Poor Ad Copy and Design

An ad is your online storefront. If it doesn’t look appealing or isn’t compelling, it fails to perform its job. A PPC consultant can work with you to create copy and designs that engage your audience and prompt action.

Neglecting Landing Page Quality

Your ad can be perfect, but if it leads to a poorly constructed landing page, the user experience suffers, leading to high bounce rates and low conversion rates. An expert can guide you on creating landing pages that synergize with your ads and deliver what the user is looking for.

Overlooking Negative Keywords

These often overlooked, yet essential words, can be the difference between a campaign’s success and failure. They prevent your ad from being triggered by a word or phrase that’s unrelated, saving you money and improving your CTR (clickthrough rate).

How a PPC Expert Can Help Beyond Campaign Setup

A PPC consultant doesn’t just set up your campaigns and wish you luck. They’re committed to your success. When you work with a Google Ads expert, they should:

Provide In-Depth Analysis and Reporting

You’ll receive regular, detailed reports on the performance of your campaigns, along with actionable insights and recommendations for next steps. A good consultant will help you identify wins, opportunities and next steps. Most importantly, a great consultant will be transparent. There’s a difference between reporting on what you (the client) wants to hear vs what you need to hear.

Offer Strategic Guidance

Strategic guidance from a seasoned PPC professional can be the lynchpin that propels your online advertising efforts to new heights. Whether it’s understanding the competitive landscape or exploring new opportunities, a consultant can offer a wealth of insight that might otherwise take years to learn.

Adapt to Market Changes Efficiently

With their knowledge and access to the latest tools and industry trends, PPC experts can help you adapt quickly to market changes, ensuring that your advertising investments remain successful.

There’s quite a bit that goes into launching PPC campaigns on Google Ads or Microsoft Ads. It requires meticulous planning, constant fine-tuning, and a keen eye for detail. To avoid the common traps and make the most out of your dollars, it’s clear why a PPC expert is a small business owner’s best friend when setting sail in the digital marketing world.