Viewing Google Analytics 4 property charts

Using User-Scoped or Session-Scoped Dimensions in Google Analytics 4

In the fast-changing digital marketing field, understanding audience behavior is most crucial. Google Analytics 4 is an extremely helpful tool for gaining insights into user interaction with websites or apps. Of the many dimensions it includes are user-scoped and session-scoped dimensions, which become two of its most vital features that can make so much difference

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A team reviews advertising performance

Unlocking the Power of Competitor Ads for Deeper Marketing Insights

In the fast-paced realm of digital marketing, a crucial piece of the puzzle often overlooked is the strategic analysis of competitors’ advertising. With the explosion of advertising platforms like Google Ads and Facebook Ads, understanding what your challengers are doing can offer a goldmine of insights. This article will guide you through robust methods for

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A graphic depicting charts trending in a positive direction

How to Gauge the Success of Your Paid Ads: A Beginner’s Guide to Performance Metrics

In the fast-paced realm of digital marketing, running ads without measuring their performance is akin to sailing a boat with no compass; you’re navigating blind in an ocean of data. Understanding the effectiveness of your Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and LinkedIn Ads is crucial to optimizing campaigns and achieving a better return on investment. In

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People surrounding a table in collaboration with their computers

Why Small Business Owners Need a PPC Expert: 3 Irrefutable Reasons

It’s all too common to see small business owners diving headfirst into the deep end of online advertising, hoping to swim but often struggling to stay afloat. In the vast sea of digital marketing, understanding the tides and currents of something as intricate as Pay-Per-Click (PPC) can be challenging, especially if you’re new to the

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